Growth Mindset: My Thoughts
I have honestly never heard of Carol Dweck, but I believe I have heard of the growth mindset or at least something very similar to it. I think that it’s really interesting because it is true that when things tend to be easy, you become complacent and want things to always be that way thus you never try anything harder. Then when something more difficult appears where you can’t figure out the solution easily, it makes you give up quicker due to the fact that it makes you feel incapable. Watching these videos and learning about the growth mindset made me wonder where I was on the spectrum. If I think about it, I would most likely be in the middle of the spectrum because while I do like when things are easy, I do not mind more difficult things and accept the challenges that come with them. I am also a firm believer in the fact that everybody can improve no matter how good you think you are at something. Overall, I think that growth mindset is very important to instill when younger as it will lead to people striving for more and always wanting to improve themselves.
(Growth Mindset by Ken Whytock via Flickr)
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