Topic Research: Tricksters

Idea: I am planning on doing the project about Tricksters competing with each other to see who has the best tricks. Ideally, I would use two stories for each trickster with first story being somewhat tame and little while the other story is a very large/impactful trick as the tricksters become more competitive. The story will be a dialogue between the characters below retelling their tricks.

(Anansi via Wikimedia Commons)

Anansi (Caribbean) – For these stories, I plan on the first story to be about Anansi and the Tiger as they are rivals and for the big second story, I am planning on using a story on how Anansi tricked Death. These stories are a little shorter so I may have to combine a couple of stories together. 
(Link to resource)

Till Eulenspiegel (German) – The first story for this trickster would be the story of how he fooled the director of a hospital into thinking he was able to cure the sick (“How Eulenspiegel Healed the Sick”) as it was a small trick that ended up getting him extra money. The second story for this trickster would be how he was tricking people even as a kid (“How Eulenspiegel Danced on the High Wire”). This trick caused a full-out brawl in his town and he would be able to brag about how young he was when he was pulling tricks. 
(Link to resource)

Coyote (Native American - Pacific Northwest) – The first story I would use for this trickster is how he was able to take down a grizzly bear through trickery (“Coyote and Grizzly”) while the second story I would use is (“Coyote and the Dragon”). The first story is tame as it is only a grizzly bear compared to the second story where he took down a mythical creature. 
(Link to resource)


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