Week 3 Story: Cat Fables

The Cats and the Dog
    There once was a group of cats who were abandoned by all and living on the streets. They wandered the streets together scrounging for food and usually came up with loads of food. One day, all the cats split up to look for food. They looked around at houses, in the trash, everywhere you could think of. The cats all got together at the river and all of them came up empty. The cats looked at each other dejected and began to sulk until one cat noticed a lone dog looking for food by the river. The cats asked the dog, “Have you had any luck finding food?” The dog replied, “No, I haven’t found any food for the past three days.” The dog then ran off in a hurry as he desperately need to fill his stomach. In their heads, none of the cats could even think of the last time that they had gone three days without food. They all looked at each other and realized that they were quite lucky and that someone always has it worse than you.

("cat" by grey via Flickr)

The Cat with Many Friends
    There once was a cat that was very sociable and made friends with every on the farm. One day, a wolf invaded the farm and met eyes with the cat. Before the wolf could attack, the farmer came out and chased the wolf out. As the wolf was leaving, he stated that he would be coming back tomorrow to eat the cat. The next day, the cat decided to go ask the farm animals for help before the wolf arrived. The cat first asked the pig to help but the pig replied that he was too slow and declined. The cat next asked the horse who was fast and bigger than the wolf, but the horse replied that they didn’t want to mess up their mane. Finally, the cat asked the cow for help as they were much larger than the wolf, but the cow replied that it would be too much of a hassle. On the way to ask another farm animal, the cat noticed the wolf had jumped over the fence of the farm and the wolf began to chase the cat. The cat ran as fast as they could wondering why no one would help them out. Luckily, the farmer came out with a gun and chased the wolf away never to be seen again.  While the cat was now safe, they couldn't help but wonder if they really had any real friends. 

Author’s Note: The stories I used were from Aesop’s Fables and were originally were based around hares. The first story was about a group of hares that had always feared other animals and were about to drown themselves so they wouldn’t have to live in fear anymore. Then they saw some frogs that were frightened by the hares and realized that someone always has it worse than you. For this story, I just changed the characters and the setting, but the overall message stayed the same. The second story is about a hare that was getting chased by a group of dogs, so they asked for help from other animals which were supposedly her friends. The animals all declined, and the hare realized that while he had many friends, he really had no real friends. For this story, I again just changed the characters and setting but I followed the original story pretty closely unlike the first one.

"The Hare and the Frogs" from The Fables of Aesop by Joseph Jacobs (1894). Web Source.
"The Hare With Many Friends" from The Fables of Aesop by Joseph Jacobs (1894). Web Source.


  1. Hey Chris,
    I liked your farm renditions of these stories! They were both a tad sad but keeps in line with the nature of Aesop's Fables'. I did enjoy the message of the first one where someone always has it worse than you so to stay thankful! Keep up the great work!

  2. Hi Chris!

    I enjoyed the changing of the characters in these stories. I think it works just as well with cats as the hares, both animals have a sort of quickness and arrogance about them that makes the cats fit really well in these stories. The message came across well through these renditions, especially the cat on the farm, subbing in wolves for the hounds in your retelling. Great job!


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