Reading Notes: Nursery Rhymes, Reading B
("Story Time" by L. Leslie Brooke via Myth UN-Textbook)
The story that I chose to focus my reading notes on for this post is “Nursery Rhymes: Accumulated Stories” by Andrew Lang(1897). The first thing that I noticed when reading this section of the stories is that these stories are a lot longer than many of the other stories of in this reading. My guess is it is because of the nature of these stories. In these stories, the beginning always starts off simple but then something occurs that leads an event to happen. Then the event that just happened causes another event to happen and this goes on and on. This seems to be the reason why this section is called “Accumulated Stories” as each line of the story just keeps building off the last line. In terms of grammar, each line is not necessarily a complete sentence and as such ends with a comma rather than a period. Another thing is that since each line builds off of each other, many of the lines are repeated in each “paragraph” as there is maybe only one or two lines differentiating one paragraph from the one before it. Therefore, the stories are actually quite repetitive in nature as you pretty much read the same lines over and over. The final thing that I noticed about this section is that not all of the stories rhymed. In many of the other Nursery Rhymes sections, there was a lot of rhyming going on but this section seemed to be a little different.
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