Week 10 Lab: Advice To Writers
("Royal KMM 'Magic Margin' Typewriter" by Seth Morabito via Flickr)
For my Story Lab assignment, I looked through Jon Winokur’s Advice to Writers site and found some interesting and relatable quotes. The first quote that kind of resonated with me is from Gabriel García Márquez and it talks about how the first paragraph is the hardest when writing to which I completely agree. The first paragraph for most of my stories, essays, etc. usually lays out the format or direction in which I want to go. After I finish that first paragraph, my writing usually gets a lot faster as the first paragraph lays out the framework that I follow when writing the rest of the paragraphs. However, I usually get stuck on the first paragraph because I find it difficult to provide a good introductory paragraph to kind of lead into my story or essay. Along with the first paragraph, I also find the final paragraph of a story or essay the most difficult because it’s hard for me to find a good way to wrap up the writing. The second quote that I found interesting is from Barry Hannah and it states that there is no use in revising something bad. I honestly feel split about this opinion because I think there could be cases in which you might want to revise something that is bad. I think that even if something is bad, there are still things that you can take from it or that you could revise that may change it from being bad to good and if you completely scrap the writing, you may never find that out. On the other hand, if it is truly bad, then it might be better to scrap it and start over completely. Honestly, it could go either way, so I don’t know exactly how to feel about this quote.
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